Torq User Guide » Chapter 1 50Torq User Guide » Chapter 9 50
< Adding Songs to a Playlist
Once you have created and selected a Pl aylist, you’ll begin adding les to it using the fol lowing procedure:
1. Using the Browser or Database, locat e the song you’d like to add to the Playlist.
2. Right-click (CTRL-click on Mac) the song name a nd select “Add to Playlist” from the pop-up menu .
3. The song will be added to the bottom of the Pl aylist.
< Removing Songs from a Playlist
You can remove songs from a Playlist as follows:
1. Right-click (CTRL-click on Mac) the song in the P laylist you wish to delete.
2. Select “Remove from Playlist” from the pop -up menu.
3. Torq will remove t he song from the Playlist, but the song will remain in the Torq Database (it will not be
deleted from your computer).
< Reordering Songs in a Playlist
The order in which your songs are displ ayed in the Playlist can be changed.
1. Click and drag the song up or down in the list .
2. If you drag the song on top of another existing song, releasing the mouse button will cause th e song to be
inserted above the song in the li st.
< Activating a Playlist
When you select a Playlist, Torq runs a quick scan of your computer’s drives to ensure all the audio les referenced
by the Playlist are present on the computer. I f Torq cannot locate one or more of the songs from the Playlist
(possibly because the drive containing the song is no longer connected to the computer, or the source l e has been
deleted), a pop-up dialog will appe ar with the following message: “Cannot nd one or more of the les used in this
Playlist. What would you like to do? ” You will then have a choice of clicking one of the following button s.
» Ignore: Clicking this button will allow the Playlist to load, however all missing songs will be di splayed in red
in the File List window.
» Auto-scan: Clicking this b utton will cause Torq to searc h all hard drives connec ted to your computer in
an attempt to nd the missing le (s). If a le is found with the same name but in a different location, anot her
dialog b ox will ap pear with the following message: “ Would you like to use this le for [name of missing
1. By choosing “Yes,” Torq will use the le and automatically as sume that the rest of the missing les will
also be in this same folder. Once found, these les will automatically be loaded. If the other missing les
are not in this location, Torq will continue searc hing the computer until another le is found .
2. Choosing “No” will allow the search to continue for a nother possible le in a different locat ion.
3. If the search compl etes without nding the proper le, a dialog box will appear wit h the follow ing
message: “Cannot nd [name of missing le].” When you click “OK” Torq will display the le in red in
the File List, indicat ing that the song cannot be played. If there are ot her les to search for, the search
process will continue.
» Manual: Clicking this button will open a st andard operating system dialog box th at will allow you to manually
search for the audio le on your hard drive(s). Although you are se arching for a specic missing le, it is possible
to select any audio le to be used in it s place. If you choose a le that is different th an the missing le shown in
the File List, the ID3 t ag info for the new le will be shown (in the Playlist) in place of th e original song.