C h a p t e r 3
Inserting Text
To save you time when composing and editing messages, contact entries, calendar events, tasks, or memos, you can insert any of the following:
•Text from another Accompli application
•Current date and time
•Your signature
•Quick Text entries
To insert the current date/time, your signature, or Quick Text in SMS, Contacts, Calen- dar, Tasks, or Memos:
1Position the cursor at the point where you want to insert the text.
2Select the Insert text button from the toolbar.
3Using the NAVDISK, highlight one of the following:
•The current date/time
•My signature
•A Quick Text entry
4Select the OK button from the toolbar.
To insert text from an application:
1Position the cursor at the point where you want to insert the text.
2Select the Insert text button from the toolbar.
3Select …from application.
4Highlight the application containing the text that you want to insert.
5Select the OK button from the toolbar.
6Narrow your search criteria by doing one of the following:
•If you selected Tasks, Memos, or Contacts, choose the category for the item containing the text that you want to insert.
•If you selected Calendar, choose the date of the calendar event containing the text that you want to insert.
•If you selected SMS, choose the folder containing the message text you want to insert.
7Using the NAVDISK, scroll through the list of items in the selected category, date, or folder and highlight the item containing the text that you want to insert.
8Select the OK button from the toolbar.
40Accompli 009 User’s Guide