C h a p t e r 5
Call Metering
5Specify the SIM Card memory location for the entry. Memory locations 1 through 40 are available for Fixed Dial entries.
TIP When setting up your Fixed Dial list, you may want to reserve the first nine locations for phone numbers you wish to
6Select the OK button from the toolbar.
7Type your SIM PIN2 security code and select the OK button from the toolbar.
Note The default SIM PIN2 security code is **52*. See page Chapter
To edit a Fixed Dial entry:
1Select the Phone application from the Home screen.
2SSelect the Fixed Dialing button from the toolbar.
3From the Fixed Dialing list, select the entry that you want to change.
4Select the Edit button from the toolbar.
5Make your changes to the entry and select the Save changes button from the toolbar.
When you are using Fixed Dialing in conjunction with
Phone has an internal metering system that provides you with individual and total call times and costs. The meter can be displayed during a phone call and audible tones can be generated to indicate the passage of call time.
Note Call charges are only available if you receive the Advice of Charge service from your Cellular Service Provider. If you do not receive this service, then only time meters are available.
Phone provides two programmable audible call timers:
•The “Single” alert call timer will sound once during a call, after a preset time has elapsed.
•The “Repeating” timer will sound regular beeps during a call, at preset intervals.
74Accompli 009 User’s Guide