Setting SIM Entries
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To dial the GSM emergency number in the U.S.
1Select the Phone application from the Home screen.
2Type 9 1 1 and press Enter.
The SIM Card Numbers screen allows you to manage all of the phone numbers stored in the memory of your SIM card. Phone numbers appear in alphabetical order by name; numbers without a corresponding name are sorted at the top of the list. When a name is highlighted the corresponding number is shown in the area above the toolbar.
From this screen, all SIM card functions can be set, including editing phone entries, deleting an entry, dialing an entry, and selecting an entry to save as a Contact. The Personal Identification Number (PIN) settings can also be configured from this screen.
Note The SIM Card is not available when you are in Fixed Dialing mode.
To add a SIM card entry:
1From the Phone screen, select the SIM card button on the toolbar
2Highlight New Entry from the list. Press Enter.
3Type the name for the new entry in the Name box.
4Type the number for the new entry in the Number box.
5In the Memory location option box, select the number corresponding to the location where you would like to save the number. This feature is SIM card dependent, and only available location numbers will appear for selection.
6Select OK to complete the new entry.
To edit a SIM card entry:
1From the Phone screen, select the SIM card button on the toolbar.
2Highlight the SIM card entry you want to change.
3Select the Edit SIM button from the toolbar.
4Change the SIM card information, as appropriate.
5Select the OK button from the toolbar to save your changes.
PIN Features
When the SIM card Personal Identification Number (PIN) setting is enabled, you are prompted to enter the correct PIN when you turn your device on and when you switch from PDA mode to Phone mode. This is the PIN1 code. The PIN2 code controls your access to
Phone 77