Adding an Event | . | |
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7If this is an
TIP You can use the NAVDISK to increment or decrement the time by 15 minutes.
8Select the Location tab.
9In the Location field, type the place for the event or leave this field blank.
10Select the Repeat Options tab.
11In the Event occurs field, choose a frequency for how often this event repeats.
12If you selected an option other than Once in step 11, specify how often and for how long the event will repeat.
•In the Every field, specify the interval.
•In the End date field, type the date that this event will stop repeating.
•If this is a weekly event that occurs some weekdays, but not all, select the On check boxes for the weekdays this event occurs.
•If this is a monthly event, specify whether the event repeats on this date, or on this day.
13Select the Alert Options tab.
14In the Reminder field, type the time, prior to the event, that you want to receive a reminder alert.
15In the Alert field, select the alert for this event reminder.
16If you want the event reminder to sound even if the device is in silent mode, vibrate mode, or in Quiet Time, select the Play regardless of volume level option.
17If you want to record additional information about this event, select the Notes for event button from the toolbar.
18Type any additional information that you want to record about this event in Notes.
19Select the Save note button from the toolbar to save your note.
20Select the Save event button from the toolbar to save your entry.
Calendar 97