C h a p t e r 1 5
The TAB key moves the focus between your grid, the Fire! button, the New Game button, and the Surrendr button. Use the NAVDISK to move your ship on the 8x8 grid. Use 'R' to rotate the ship 90 degrees. When you've decided where you want to place your ship, press the ENTER key to fix the ship permanently. In
Note When placing your ships in a
Other buttons on the menu bar are Help, Won/Lost, Done, and Resend. Help provides a synopsis of the game and its rules. Won/Lost provides information about your record against an opponent. Done returns you to the Select Opponent screen. Resend appears if you're playing an OTA game; it resends your last shot or challenge to the selected OTA opponent.
Once you've placed your ship, one of the following events will occur:
•If you're playing against your device, you can fire.
•If you're playing an OTA game, a challenge will automatically be issued to the selected opponent.
•To fire, press TAB until the cursor appears in your opponent's grid, position the cursor with the NAVDISC, then do one of the following:
•Press the ENTER key, or
•Tab to the Fire! button and press the ENTER key.
Note After you fire once at your OTA opponent, the status bar displays a message indicating the current and total allotted shots. (Recall that after you lose one or more ships, your allotment of shots decreases.) For example, if you've lost a cruiser and you've fired twice, the status bar would read "Fire 2 of 3."
If you're losing badly and don't wish to wait for the inevitable, you can surrender by choosing the Surrender button. You can also choose the New Game button to start a new game.
After the game is over, you'll get a summary of your victory or defeat.
164Accompli 009 User’s Guide