C h a p t e r 4
About SMS Message Rules
To create a message rule:
1Select the SMS application from the Home screen.
2Select the Message rules button from the toolbar.
3Select New Rule.
4In the If message contains text box, type the rule text.
5In the Store in field, select the folder to store messages that meet the rule.
6In the Play field, select the alert that you want to sound when you receive incoming messages matching this rule.
7If you want the specified alert to override the device settings for silent mode, vibrate mode, or Quiet Time settings, select the Play regardless of volume level option.
8If you want to receive alert reminders every two minutes for unread messages meeting this rule, select the Beep until read option.
9If you want incoming messages matching this rule to appear in a New Message
10Select the Save rule button from the toolbar to save the new message rule.
Editing Message Rules
You can change routing rule options for incoming messages anytime.
To edit a message rule:
1Select the SMS application from the Home screen.
2Select the Message rules button from the toolbar.
3On the Message Rules list, highlight the message rule you want to modify.
4Select the Edit rule button from the toolbar.
5Change the message rule options as appropriate.
6Select the Save rule button from the toolbar to save your changes.
Deleting Message Rules
You can delete most of the message rules you create. However, Cell Broadcast rules cannot be deleted from the device, only from the active view. You can choose to reactivate this rule in the Cell Broadcast Settings screen.
To delete a message rule:
1Select the SMS application from the Home screen.
2Select the Message rules button from the toolbar.
3On the Message Rules list, highlight the message rule you want to delete.
4Select the Delete rule button from the toolbar.
62Accompli 009 User’s Guide