Documentation Conventions
This guide uses the following documentation conventions:
NOTE: provides additional information.
CAUTION! indicates the presence of a hazard that has the potential of causing damage to data or equipment.
WARNING!! indicates the presence of a hazard that has the potential of causing personal injury.
Text in blue font indicates a hyperlink (jump) to a figure, table, or section in this guide, and links to Web sites are shown in underlined blue. For example:
See “Installation Checklist” on page 3-6.
For more information, visit www.qlogic.com.
Text in bold font indicates user interface elements such as a menu items, buttons, check boxes, or column headings. For example:
Click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Command Prompt.
Under Notification Options, select the Warning Alarms check box.
Text in Courier font indicates a file name, directory path, or command line text. For example:
To connect to a group of hosts listed in a host group file (.hst), type SANsurfer
Enter the following command: sh ./install.bin
Key names and key strokes are indicated with UPPERCASE:
Press CTRL+P.
Press the UP ARROW key.
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