Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Problems and Solutions

User Interface and Remote Agent Issues

Table 7-2lists problems related to the SANsurfer FC HBA Manager user interface and remote agent, and provides possible causes and solutions.

Table 7-2. Troubleshooting: User Interface and Remote Agent Issues


Cause and Solution



Unable to start the SANsurfer

Cause: The desktop shortcut has an invalid path or SANsurfer FC HBA

FC HBA Manager user inter-

Manager was not completely installed.

face using the desktop short-

Solution: Verify that the desktop shortcut points to the

cut (SANsurfer icon).

SANsurfer.exe file. This program is installed by default in the follow-



ing folder for Windows and NetWare (user interface only):


C:\Program Files\QLogic Corporation\SANsurfer

SANsurfer FC HBA Manager

Cause: There is insufficient memory.

user interface starts, and then

Solution: For physical RAM requirements, see “Hardware Require-

hangs indefinitely.

ments” on page 3-1or the readme.txt file.


SANsurfer FC HBA Manager

Cause: The adapter driver may not be installed.

user interface cannot connect

Solution: Verify that the adapter driver is installed; see “Verifying that

to the local host.

the Adapter Driver is Installed” on page 7-10.




SANsurfer FC HBA Manager

Cause: Depending on your network configuration, you may not see all

user interface is not connect-

your local hosts respond within the 30 second Broadcast Interval

ing to a local host.

default setting.


Solution: In the Broadcast Settings dialog box, increase the Broad-


cast Interval to the appropriate value above 30 seconds. This allows


your network the time to respond.



SANsurfer FC HBA Manager

Cause: The qlremote agent is not installed on the remote system or the

user interface cannot connect

network protocol is not properly configured.

to a remote host.




„ Verify that the qlremote agent is installed on the remote host. See


“System Requirements” on page 3-1and “Initial Installation” on


page 4-1for network requirements. See the SANsurfer FC HBA


Manager Application Help for instructions on how to configure and


manage remote hosts. Verify that the appropriate network protocol is




„ The DNS or the local host file may contain an incorrect IP address


for the host name. Use the ping command to ping the host name,


and then verify that the correct IP address is translated from the





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Q-Logic SN0054651-00 F manual Troubleshooting User Interface and Remote Agent Issues