Chapter 8 Using the internal effects

1.Make sure that the mixer mode is INPUTTRACK.

2.Connect an instrument such as a keyboard to the INPUT1 jack, and a mic to the INPUT2 jack.

3.Press channel 1 [CH EDIT].

4.Hold down [SHIFT] and press channel 7 [EFFECT-1(CH EDIT)].

The display will indicate ÒEFFECT1=Ó.

5.Insert the effect. Rotate the TIME/VALUE dial. For this example, select “InsertL” so that the sound of the instrument will be inserted into the left channel.

EFFECT1 (Effect 1 switch)

Select how the signal will be sent to the EFFECT1 buss.

Off: The signal will not be sent.

PreFade: The signal from before the channel fader will be sent.

PstFade: The signal that passed through the channel fader will be sent.

Insert: Insert between the equalizer and fader.

InsertL: Insert into the L side of a stereo effect.

InsertR: Insert into the R side of a stereo effect.

InsertS: Insert the L side and R side of a stereo effect in series.

* If the effect is inserted in another channel, the value will appear as ÒÑÐ,Ó and cannot be selected.

6.Press PARAMETER [ ].

The display will indicate ÒEFF1 InsSend=Ó.

7.Adjust the send level to effect 1 (Vocoder). Rotate the TIME/VALUE dial.

EFF1 InsSend (Effect 1 insert send level)

Specify the volume level (0Ð127) of the signal that will be inserted into the effect. The default value is 100.

8.Press PARAMETER [ ].

The display will indicate ÒEFF1 InsRtn=Ó.

9.Adjust the return level from effect 1 (Vocoder). Rotate the TIME/VALUE dial.

EFF1 InsRtn (Effect 1 insert return level)

Specify the volume level (0Ð127) of the signal that is output from the effect. The default value is 100.

10.Press PARAMETER [ ] twice.

The display will indicate ÒEQ/EffPreInsÓ.

11.Rotate the TIME/VALUE dial. For this example, select “On” so that the sound that has passed through the effect will be recorded.

EQ/EffPreIns (Equalizer/effect pre-insert switch)

Select whether the equalizer and effect will be inserted during recording. Off: They will not be inserted (same as Ver.1).

On: The signal into which the equalizer and effect have been inserted will be recorded.

12.Press channel 2 [CH EDIT].

13.As in steps 4–11, make settings as when inserting an effect. However in step 5, select “InsertR” so that the mic sound will be inserted into the right channel.

14.Press [EFFECT] several times until “EFF EFFECT-1 PRM ?” appears.

15.Press [YES].

16.Select effect 1. Rotate the TIME/VALUE dial. For this example, select an effect such as A84 Vocoder.

17.Press [YES].

18.Set the track status of tracks 1 and 2 to REC.

When you begin recording, the vocoded sound will be recorded.

Chapter 8


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Image 105
Roland Vs-880 105, EFF1 InsSend Effect 1 insert send level, EFF1 InsRtn Effect 1 insert return level