Chapter 9 Other convenient functions
4.Make settings for the MIDI messages that will produce the metronome sound. Press [SYSTEM], select “SYS MIDI PRM?”, and set the following parameters.
MetroCh: Select the MIDI channel on which the metronome note messages will be transmitted. Set this to match the MIDI receive channel of your MIDI sound source.
Acc.Note: Select the note number (C_0ÐG_9) for the downbeat of the metronome. If you are playing a drum set, this will select the percussion instrument.
Acc.Velo: Specify the velocity (1Ð127) of the metronome downbeat.
Nrm.Note: Select the note number (C_0ÐG_9) for the upbeats of the metronome. If you are playing a drum set, this will select the percussion instrument.
Nrm.Velo: Specify the velocity (1Ð127) of the upbeats of the metronome.
5.This completes metronome settings. Press [PLAY (DIS- PLAY)] to return to Play condition.
Using a foot switch to play- back/stop
A foot switch connected to the FOOT SWITCH jack can be used instead of the [PLAY] button. This is convenient when both hands are occupied, such as when playing the guitar on stage.
1.Press [SYSTEM] several times until the display indi- cates “SYS System PRM ?”.
2.Press [YES].
3.Press PARAMETER [ ] several times until “SYS Foot Sw=” appears.
4.Rotate the TIME/VALUE dial. For this example, select “Play/Stop”.
FootSw (Foot switch assign)
This sets the function of the foot switch connected to the FOOT SWITCH jack.
Play/Stop: The song will alternately playback and stop each time the foot switch is pressed.
Record: The foot switch will have the same function as the [REC]. Use this to switch between recording and playback during manual
TapMarker: The foot switch will have the same function as the [TAP]. A Mark point will be placed at the time location where you press the foot switch.
Next: The foot switch will have the same function as the [NEXT]. Each time you press the foot switch, you will move to the next Mark point.
Previous: The foot switch will have the same function as the [PREVIOUS]. Each time you press the foot switch, you will move to the previous Mark point.
GPI: A GPI trigger signal received from the FOOT SWITCH jack will control song play- back/stop.
< About GPI >
ÒGPIÓ stands for ÒGeneral Purpose Interface.Ó This is a control jack provided on professional and consumer video devices such as video editors and title superimposers. By connecting this control jack to the foot switch jack of the
5.Press [PLAY(DISPLAY)].
You will return to Play condition.
Stopping automatically (Marker stop)
You can cause song playback to stop automatically at a mark point.
1.Press [SYSTEM] several times until “SYS System PRM ?” appears.
2.Press [YES].
3.Press PARAMETER [ ] several times until “SYS Marker Stop=” appears.
4.Rotate the TIME/VALUE dial. For this example, select “On”.
Marker Stop
Turn this ÒOnÓ when you want song playback to automati- cally halt at time locations where a Mark point exists.
5.Press [PLAY(DISPLAY)].
You will return to Play condition.