Chapter 8 Using the internal effects
8.Adjust the send level to effect 1. Rotate the TIME/VALUE dial.
This adjusts the amount of effect for each channel.
EFFECT 1 Send (Effect 1 send level)
Specify the volume level (0Ð127) of the signal that is sent to the EFFECT 1 buss. The default setting is 100.
9.Press PARAMETER [ ].
The display will indicate ÒEFFECT1 Pan=Ó.
10.Adjust the panning of the input to effect 1. Rotate the TIME/VALUE dial.
EFFECT 1 Pan (Effect 1 pan)
For channels on which Channel Link is ÒOff,Ó this sets the panning (L63Ð0ÐR63) of the stereo signal which is output to the EFFECT 1 buss. ÒL63Ó is far left, and ÒR63Ó is far right.
For channels on which Channel Link is ÒOn,Ó this sets the left/right volume balance (L63Ð0ÐR63) of the stereo signal from the paired channels which is output to the EFFECT 1 buss.
The default value is Ò0Ó (center).
11.Press [EDIT(SOLO) several times until “MST EFF1 RTN to=” is displayed.
12.Rotate the TIME/VALUE dial. For this example, select “MIX” so that the signal will be sent from master out.
EFF1 RTN to (Effect 1 return to)
Select the output destination of effect 1. The busses that can be selected will depend on the current mixer mode.
When in INPUT➝TRACK mode
MIX: the MIX buss (stereo)
AUX: the AUX buss (stereo)
13.Press PARAMETER [ ].
The display will indicate ÒEFF1 RTN Lev=Ó.
14.Adjust the output level of effect 1. Rotate the TIME/VALUE dial.
This adjusts the overall amount of effect.
EFF1 RTN Lev (Effect 1 return level)
Set the output level (0Ð127) of effect 1.
15.Press PARAMETER [ ].
The display will indicate ÒEFF1 RTN Bal=Ó.
16.Adjust the left/right volume balance of effect 1. Rotate the TIME/VALUE dial.
EFF1 Bal (Effect 1 balance)
Set the left/right volume balance (L63Ð0ÐR63) of effect 1.
17.Press [EFFECT] several times until “EFF
18.Press [YES].
19.Select effect 1. Rotate the TIME/VALUE dial. For this example, select an effect such as A00 RV:LargeHall.
20.Press [YES].
When the song is played back, you will hear reverb applied to it.