Submitting print jobs from Quick Print for Windows NT 4.0
This option is for use with photographic images. It uses luminance information to map full color to highlight colors. The color portions of an image that are the same color as the specified extraction color are printed in a shade of the highlight color.
This option is for use with presentation graphics. It uses hue information to map full color to highlight colors. Any color element in the graphic is printed in a shade of highlight color.
•Color Table
This option specifies color table to use for color mappings.
This option specifies no highlight color. It specifies black and white printing only.
3.From the Highlight Color list box, select the desired highlight color toner to use in printing the document. Select one of the highlight colors, or select Use Printer Default to use the highlight color loaded on the printer.
4.Optional: Specify how the printer handles a highlight color mismatch. From the Mismatch Action list box, select one of the following options:
•Use Printer Default
This option overrides all job settings and uses printer default settings.
•Hold Job
This option retains the job in the print queue until highlight color at the printer matches the color specified for the job.
•Cancel Job
This option deletes the job in the print queue if highlight color at the printer does not match the color specified for the job
•Use Loaded Color
This option overrides highlight color job setting and prints using the loaded highlight color on the printer.
Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client |