Submitting print jobs from Quick Print for Windows NT 4.0
Customizing or masking dialog box options
Follow these steps:
1.From the Setup window, click the [Preferences] tab.
2.Click [Masks].
3.Clear the check boxes to hide the options from being displayed in the associated tab dialog.
4.To save changes, click [Save].
Customizing your printer queue list
You can use the Servers and Connections dialog box to set up a customized printer list that contains the names of the virtual printers you use most often. The names must be available to you on the file server. You can select virtual printers from more than one server.
For each virtual printer in the list, you must assign a unique name. The name you assign may indicate the location or purpose of the printer.
If you are using TCP/IP, you must locate the following information before you begin this procedure:
•The File Server name: The name you specify is the same as the host name of the DocuPrint server. The hosts file on your PC provides the mapping between the IP address and the host name.
•The Print Queue: The name of the virtual printer on the DocuPrint server. To avoid confusion, use the same name for the virtual printer and the printer.
To access the Servers and Connections dialog box, click [Printer Connection...] from the Quick Print window, or from the File menu.
Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client |