Setting up workstations
To install the Decomposition Service Tools:
1.Insert the diskette for Solaris or for SunOS workstations. You may need to install some or all of the tools.
2.Enter the following commands:
NOTE: The directory in the example is called xmerge; the actual directory name or path is unimportant.
warlockws% pwd /export/home/bwarlock/xmerge warlockws% tar xvf /dev/fd0c
x XMerge, 27560 bytes, 54 tape blocks
x formmerge, 13304 bytes, 26 tape blocks x getg4, 32768 bytes, 64 tape blocks
x reprint, 10452 bytes, 21 tape blocks
x tiff2ps, 645032 bytes, 1260 tape blocks x xcat, 17832 bytes, 35 tape blocks
warlockws% warlockws% eject warlockws% ls
total 741
1 |
| Mar 8 | 199 | XMerge* | |
x | bwarlock | 27560 | Jan | 5 | formmerge* |
1 |
| 30 | 199 | getg4* | |
x | bwarlock | 13304 | Mar | 5 | reprint* |
1 |
| 17 | 199 | tiff2ps* | |
x | bwarlock | 32768 | Jan | 5 | xcat* |
1 |
| 30 | 199 |
| |
x | bwarlock | 10452 | Mar | 5 |
1 | 64503 | 17 | 199 |
| |
x | bwarlock | 2 | Mar 8 | 5 |
1 |
| 199 |
| |
x | bwarlock | 17832 |
| 5 |
warlockws% ls
Refer to the Decomposition Service and Tools Guide for more information on using Decomposition Service.
Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client |