This guide describes how to print documents from the platforms supported by this system.
The NPS/IPS printers support the processing and printing of PDL and ASCII jobs from network workstations, as well as IPDS jobs from an IBM host. Supported PDL formats are PostScript levels 1 and 2, HP PCL 5e, and TIFF.
NOTE: You may be using the DocuPrint NPS/IPS software extension on a DocuPrint 2000 EPS system. The 2000 Series printer models are the 100, 135, 155, and 180. These printers are comparable in capabilities to the DocuPrint NPSIPS models 96, 4635, and 180.
About this guide
This guide provides the information you need to submit documents to the Xerox DocuPrint or DocuColor 2060 NPS/IPS printers from your client workstation. It is a companion guide to the following Xerox Production Print Services publications:
•Guide to Job Submission for Windows and Guide to Job Submission for Macintosh
These guides contain the installation procedures and instructions on how to use the Xerox Production Print Services (XPPS) software to set up and print jobs.
•Guide to Job Submission Using XDS Plus
This guide contains the installation procedures and instructions on how to use the Xerox Document Submission Plus (XDS Plus) software to set up and print jobs.
You should be familiar with your workstation operations, and any application you are using to generate print jobs.
Before using this guide, become familiar with its contents and conventions.
Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client | xvii |