Parameter Description | Issue 01/06 |
P1094[3] Skip frequency 4 |
| Min: | 0.00 | |
CStat: | CUT | Datatype: Float | Unit: Hz | Def: | 0.00 |
SETPOINT | Active: Immediately | QuickComm.: No | Max: | 650.00 |
Defines skip frequency 4 which avoids effects of mechanical resonance and suppresses frequencies within +/- P1101 (skip frequency bandwidth).
P1094[0] : 1st. Drive data set (DDS)
P1094[1] : 2nd. Drive data set (DDS)
P1094[2] : 3rd. Drive data set (DDS)
See P1091 (skip frequency 1).
P1101[3] Skip frequency bandwidth |
| Min: | 0.00 | Level | |||
| CStat: | CUT | Datatype: Float | Unit: Hz | Def: | 2.00 | 3 |
| SETPOINT | Active: Immediately | QuickComm.: No | Max: | 10.00 |
Delivers frequency bandwidth to be applied to skip frequencies (in [Hz]).
P1101[0] : 1st. Drive data set (DDS)
P1101[1] : 2nd. Drive data set (DDS)
P1101[2] : 3rd. Drive data set (DDS)
See P1091 (skip frequency 1).
P1110[3] | BI: Inhibit neg. freq. setpoint |
| Min: | 0:0 | Level | ||
| CStat: | CT | Datatype: U32 | Unit: - | Def: | 0:0 | 3 |
| ||||||
| COMMANDS | Active: first confirm | QuickComm.: No | Max: | 4000:0 |
This parameter suppresses negative setpoints. Therefore, modification of the motor direction is inhibited to the setpoint channel.
P1110[0] : 1st. Command data set (CDS)
P1110[1] : 2nd. Command data set (CDS)
P1110[2] : 3rd. Command data set (CDS)
Common Settings:
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
-If a min. frequency (P1080) and a negative setpoint are given, the motor is accelerated by a positive value in relationship to the min. frequency.
-This function does not disable the "reverse command functions" (e.g. Reverse, ON left); rather, a reverse command causes motor to run in the positive direction only, as described above.
P1110 = 1 |
ON/OFF1 1 |
| t | |
| 0 |
| |
Reverse | 1 |
| t |
| 0 |
| |
| f |
| f set | (r1170) |
P1080 |
| t | |
| |||
| ||
| f set | (r1078) |
130 | MICROMASTER 440 Parameter List |