Parameters | Issue 01/06 |
ParNo | Parameter text |
r1597 | CO: Outp. field weak. controller |
r1598 | CO: Flux setpoint (total) |
r1718 | CO: Output of Isq controller |
r1719 | CO: Integral output of Isq ctrl. |
r1723 | CO: Output of Isd controller |
r1724 | CO: Integral output of Isd ctrl. |
r1725 | CO: Integral limit of Isd ctrl. |
r1728 | CO: Decoupling voltage |
r1770 | CO: Prop. output of |
r1746 | CO: Flussabweichung |
r1771 | CO: Int. output of |
r1778 | CO: Flux angle difference |
r1801 | CO: Act. pulse frequency |
r2015[8] | CO: PZD from BOP link (USS) |
r2018[8] | CO: PZD from COM link (USS) |
ParNo | Parameter text |
r2050[8] | CO: PZD from CB |
r2169 | CO: Act. filtered frequency |
r2224 | CO: Act. fixed PID setpoint |
r2250 | CO: Output setpoint of |
r2260 | CO: PID setpoint after |
r2262 | CO: Filtered PID setp. after RFG |
r2266 | CO: PID filtered feedback |
r2272 | CO: PID scaled feedback |
r2273 | CO: PID error |
r2294 | CO: Act. PID output |
r2870 | CO: ADD 1 |
r2872 | CO: ADD 2 |
r2874 | CO: SUB 1 |
r2876 | CO: SUB 2 |
r2878 | CO: MUL 1 |
r2880 | CO: MUL 2 |
r2882 | CO: DIV 1 |
r2884 | CO: DIV 2 |
P2889 | CO: Fixed setpoint 1 in [%] |
P2890 | CO: Fixed setpoint 2 in [%] |
2.8Connector/Binector Output Parameters
ParNo | Parameter text |
r0019 | CO/BO: BOP control word |
r0052 | CO/BO: Act. status word 1 |
r0053 | CO/BO: Act. status word 2 |
r0054 | CO/BO: Act. control word 1 |
r0055 | CO/BO: Act. control word 2 |
ParNo | Parameter text |
r0056 | CO/BO: Status of motor control |
r0403 | CO/BO: Encoder status word |
r0722 | CO/BO: Binary input values |
r0747 | CO/BO: State of digital outputs |
r0785 | CO/BO: Zustand Analogausgang |
r1407 | CO/BO: Status 2 of motor control |
r2197 | CO/BO: Monitoring word 1 |
r2198 | CO/BO: Monitoring word 2 |
24 | MICROMASTER 440 Parameter List |