Setting |
| the | LECS | ATM | Address |
| |||||||
To set |
| the | ATM | address | of | the | LAN | emulation | configuration | server | (LECS) | enter | the | ||||||||||||||||
SET LAN_EMUL CONFIGURATION_SERVER command. This is | to | support | LECs |
| ||||||||||||||||||||
which | get their associated LES ATM | address | from | a | LECS. | LECs | have | three | possible | ||||||||||||||||||||
ways to establish a connection to | the | LECS: |
| |||||||||||||||
During | ILMI, | the | LEC | gets | the | unicast | ATM | address | that | is | available | from | the ILMI | ||||||||||||||||
| (atmSrvcATMAddress). LECS | ATM addresses can be defined to be returned |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
to | the | LEC | during | ILMI |
| exchange. | These LECS | ATM |
| addresses | must | be | defined in | ||||||||||||||||
all | ATM switches that deal with | LECs | requesting | the | LECS ATM | address | from the | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||
The |
| LEC | connects | to | the |
| LECS | using | the | well | known |
| address. | You | can define | an | |||||||||||||
LECS | ATM | address | to | be | substituted | by | the | well | known | address. This | address | ||||||||||||||||||
must |
| be | defined in | all |
| ATM switches that are dealing with LEC connection requests | |||||||||||||||||||||||
referring | to | the | well | known | address. |
| ||||||||||
The |
| LEC | connects | to | the |
| LECS using a fixedvpi.PVCvciwithequal to 0.17. |
| |||||||||||||||||||
When | defining | a | PVC | for | virtual | channel connection (VCC), the allowed |
| range | for | ||||||||||||||||||||
| values | includes | the | value | 17. |
ONcoreATM>set lan_emul configuration_server active_wkainactive_wka ONcoreATM>Enter ATM address: . .99.99. 1. 2. .8 . 5.A9.
92.9F. [ENTER]
Entry set.