| Chapter 6. Terminal Menu and System Control |
»» Module Type | Write security: 1; Read security: 5 |
| Reflects the module type selected in Module Slot. This is normally a read- |
| only field; however, if you selected All Modules of a Type, you must select |
| a particular module type to update all modules of that type. The selections |
| only include upgradable modules. |
»» Transfer Method | Write security: 1; Read security: 5 |
| Lists the two transfer methods for updating firmware: XMODEM and TFTP, |
| after selecting a module slot. XMODEM transfers files by connecting to a |
| communications program that supports XMODEM uploads to the terminal |
| interface. TFTP transfers files by specifying an appropriate server address |
| and filename: |
TFTP Server IP Address
Write security: 1; Read security: 5
Configures the IP address of the TFTP Server on which the update file resides. ATLAS uses this field to locate the network server on which the update file resides.
TFTP Server
»» Restart Schedule
Write security: 1; Read security: 5
Identifies the name of the update file to retrieve from the TFTP Server. Enter the full path name and filename for the file.
Write security: 1; Read security: 5
Indicates when to restart the updated module to invoke the new code, after selecting a module slot. The two options include Restart Immediately After Update and Restart at Specified Date and Time:
Restart Immediately After Update
Restart at Specified Date and Time
Restart Date and Time
Automatically restarts the module immediately after the update is complete.
Lets you specify a date and time to automatically restart the updated mod- ule. (When you select this option, a new field called Restart Date and Time displays below the current field.)
Write security: 1; Read security: 5
Defines the date and time to restart the system.
•Enter the time using a
•Enter the date in
Restart at Specified Date and Time is only available for the System Controller— not for modules residing in expansion slots, since they are unable to maintain normal operation during the update process.
ATLAS 810PLUS User Manual |