Chapter 6
Name Configuration
Description Sets baud rate and checksum status for a specified
ADAM-5000 system.
Syntax %aannccff(cr)
% is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal
address of the ADAM-5000 system you want to
nn is reserved for system use. Its default value is 00h.
cc represents the baud rate code.
ff is a hexadecimal number that equals the 8-bit parame-
ter representing checksum status. The sixth bit repre-
sents the checksum status; 1 means enabled while 0
means disabled. The other bits are not used and are
set to 0.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh).
Response !aa(cr) if the command is valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid parameter was entered or if the
INIT* terminal was not grounded when attempting to
change baud rate or checksum settings. There is no
response if the module detects a syntax error, communi-
cation error or if the specified address does not exist.
! delimiter character indicating a valid command was
? delimiter character indicating the command was
in- valid.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal
address of an ADAM-5000 system.
ADAM-5000 6-5