Video Processor Module


The TV interface consists of a set of four DACs.

Normally, two DACs drive the composite TV output, and two other DACs drive S-Video TV output.

In SCART mode, three DACS drive TVR, TVG, and TVB signals, and the fourth DAC drives the composite signal.

Each TV DAC has a resolution of 10-bits, and is capable of running at a clock rate of up to 30 MHz. These DACs can generate voltage levels from 0 to 1.3V, when driving 75Ω double terminated loads.

7.2.7TFT Interface

The TFT interface can be programmed to one of two sets of balls: IDE balls or Parallel Port balls. PMR[23] of the Gen- eral Configuration registers program where the TFT inter- face exists (see Table 4-2 on page 72).

Note: If the TFT interface is on the IDE balls, the maxi- mum FPCLK supported is 40 MHz. If the TFT inter- face is on the Parallel Port balls the maximum FPCLK supported is 80 MHz.

Support for a TFT panel requires power sequencing and an 18-bit (6-bit RGB), digital output. The relevant digital output signals are available from the SC1200/SC1201 processor.

TFT output signals are:

TFTD[5:0] for blue signals

TFTD[11:6] for green signals

TFTD[17:12] for red signals

HSYNC and VSYNC - sync signals

TFTDCK - data clock signal.

TFTDE - data enable signal.

FP_VDD_ON - power control signal

Power Sequence

Power sequence is used to control assertion of FP_VDD_ON and TFTD signals.

All bits related to power sequence configuration are located in the Display Configuration register (F4BAR0+Memory Offset 04h).

After enabling CRT_EN (bit 0), and FP_PWR_EN (bit 6), the state machine waits until the next VSYNC to switch on the FP_VDD_ON signal. The state machine then asserts the TFTD[17:0] signals after the delay programmed via PWR_SEQ_DLY (bits [19:17]) When FP_PWR_EN (bit 6) is set to 0, the reverse sequence happens for powering down the TFT.

T0 is time to next VSYNC







T1 is a programmable multiple of frame time



Figure 7-15. TFT Power Sequence

AMD Geode™ SC1200/SC1201 Processor Data Book


Page 331
Image 331
AMD SC1201 TFT Interface, Power Sequence, HSYNC, VSYNC, TFTDE, Tftdck, T1 is a programmable multiple of frame time T0+T1