TPDesign3 is used to convert G2 or lower panel pages into G3 firmware compatible pages.
Characters for Middle Eastern languages such as Arabic are not supported within the Unicode fonts because they are
The other features of the ViewPoint touch panels are:
•All panels have
•Four external programmable push buttons
•Programmable firmware via programming port connection
•Programming port for uploading/downloading touch panel data
•Panel programming, pages, and drawings are uploaded and downloaded using TPDesign (Windows®)
•Unicode® character support for
•Battery life of 6 continuous hours with full
•Battery life of 4 continuous hours
Related Instruction Manuals
These instruction manuals contain additional information that relates to the Color
•TPDesign3 Touch Panel Program
•AXCESS Programming Language
•OpenAXCESS Configuration and Diagnostic Program
2 | Introduction | ViewPoint Wireless Touch Panels |