'CALIBRATE', 136 'CALL<variable text address>-
<data>', 148 'CBOFF<variable text address>-
<color _number >', 149 'CBON<variable text address>-
<color _number>', 149 'CFOFF<variable text address>-
<color _number>', 149 'CFON<variable text address>-
<color _number>', 150 'CLOCK
mm ss>', 137
name>', 150 'CTOFF<variable text address>-
<color _number>', 150 'CTON<variable text address>-
<color _number>', 150 'DBEEP', 137 'FONT,<variable text address>-
<font size >', 152
'RESET', 138 'SETUP', 138 'SLEEP', 138 'TPAGEOFF', 139 'TPAGEON ', 139 'WAKE', 141
'XMRT <number>', 141 'XMTO <number>', 141 'ZAP!', 141
AXCESS Programming
Color Numbers, 142
Color Send_Commands, 148 System Send_Commands, 135, 143,
AXCESS Programming Changes, 134 AXlink, output resolution, vX.XX, and
serial number, 62
Battery, 7
Battery Charging, docking station, 11 Baud, 71
Beep, 60
Border names and styles, 91, 92 Brightness, 109
Brightness button parameters for touch panels, 110
Brightness page, 110
Button Macro Commands, 158
BUTTON OPTIONS, 94 Button Properties, 27 Button Properties for External
Pushbuttons, 39
BUTTON TYPE, 93 BUTTON TYPE menus, 94 Button Types, 99, 100 Buttons String Commands, 157
Calibrate, 74
Channel Color OFF and ON, 97
Copy image, 85 Create a Page, 23 Creating a Bargraph, 48 Creating a Button, 25 Creating a Joystick, 44 Creating a Macro Button
Pulse command, 40 Wait command, 41
Creating an IR Macro Button, 39
Date, 112
18 | Index | VPXpress ViewPoint System Design/Programming Software Program |
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