Message | Causes | Corrective Actions |
Manufacturing mode | System is in | Reboot to take the system |
detected | manufacturing mode. | out of manufacturing mode. |
| |
MEMBIST failure - | Faulty memory module(s). See "Troubleshooting | |
The following |
| System Memory" on |
DIMM/rank has been |
| page 142. |
disabled by BIOS: |
DIMM x Rank y |
Memory address | Faulty or improperly | See "Troubleshooting |
line failure at | installed memory modules. System Memory" on | |
address, read |
| page 142. |
value expecting |
value |
Memory double word |
logic failure at |
address, read |
value expecting |
value |
Memory odd/even |
logic failure at |
address, read |
value expecting |
value |
Memory write/read |
failure at |
address, read |
value expecting |
value |
Memory tests | POST memory test | Information only. |
terminated by | terminated by pressing the |
keystroke. | spacebar. |
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