Users Manual
Viewing, Renaming, and Deleting Test Reports
To view, rename, or delete test reports, proceed as follows:
1.Turn the rotary switch to SPECIAL FUNCTIONS.
2.Press Eto select View/Delete Test Reports. The VIEW/DELETE TEST REPORTS screen appears showing the first screen of test record labels. The reports are listed in the order saved, starting with the oldest report in memory. Each test report label shows the date and time the report was saved, the cable identification name, and an overall test result (pass, fail, or warning).
3.Use #Page Up, $Page Down, and/or DUto highlight the record you want to view, rename, or delete.
4.Press the softkey labeled with the function you want. The softkeys function as follows:
∙!Delete Report: Allows you to delete the highlighted report from memory.
∙@View Result: Displays the list of tests stored in the
highlighted report. An overall result is given for each test. This softkey also gives access to the @Rename Report softkey.
To delete all of the Autotest reports stored in memory, select
Delete All Test Reports from the main SPECIAL FUNCTIONS menu.