Chapter 15 Serial Communication Interface (S12MC9S12XDP512V5)
MC9S12XDP512 Data Sheet, Rev. 2.11
706 Freescale Semiconductor
Enable single-wire operation by setting the LOOPS bit and the receiver source bit, RSRC, in SCI control
register 1 (SCICR1). Setting the LOOPS bit disables the path from the RXD pin to the receiver. Setting
the RSRC bit connects the TXD pin to the receiver. Both the transmitter and receiver must be enabled
(TE = 1 and RE = 1).The TXDIR bit (SCISR2[1]) determines whether the TXD pin is going to be used as
an input (TXDIR = 0) or an output (TXDIR = 1) in this mode of operation.
In single-wire operation data from the TXD pin is inverted if RXPOL is set.

15.4.8 Loop Operation

In loop operation the transmitter output goes to the receiver input. The RXD pin is disconnected from the
Figure 15-31. Loop Operation (LOOPS = 1, RSRC = 0)
Enable loop operation by setting the LOOPS bit and clearing the RSRC bit in SCI control register 1
(SCICR1). Setting the LOOPS bit disables the path from the RXD pin to the receiver. Clearing the RSRC
bit connects the transmitter output to the receiver input. Both the transmitter and receiver must be enabled
(TE = 1 and RE = 1).
In loop operation data from the transmitter is not recognized by the receiver
if RXPOL and TXPOL are not the same.
15.5 Initialization/Application Information

15.5.1 Reset Initialization

See Section 15.3.2, “Register Descriptions”.

15.5.2 Modes of Operation Run Mode

Normal mode of operation.
To initialize a SCI transmission, see Section, “Character Transmission”.