
Operations and Monitoring

Setting Motor Constants for Vector Control














Auto-tuned constant R2, 1st motor


Units: ohms






Auto-tuned constant L, 1st motor


Units: mH






Auto-tuned constant Io, 1st motor


Units: A






Auto-tuned constant J, 1st motor


Units: kgm2

The inverter has three separate motor constant sets named 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. The 1st motor constant set is the default, while the SET and SET2 intelligent inputs select the 2nd and 3rd constant sets, respectively. The torque control methods are valid to use only if a particular motor constant set includes parameters for the selected control method. The following table lists the vector control methods and shows the ones that are valid for each motor constant set.:

Vector Control Method

1st motor

2nd motor

3rd motor









V/f constant torque





V/f variable torque





V/f free-setting curve





Sensorless vector control (SLV)





Sensorless vector control, 0Hz domain





Vector control with encoder feedback





The motor data selection is available only to the 1st motor constant set, selected by function H004. By default, the 2nd and 3rd motor constants sets only store standard motor parameters. The table below shows this arrangement.

Motor data selection

1st motor

2nd motor

3rd motor









Standard motor parameters





Auto-tuning parameters





Adaptive tuning parameters





When motor constant values are available from the motor manufacturer, you can enter them directly. The available motor constant parameters (storage locations) depend on the motor constant set (1st, 2nd, or 3rd) according to the following table.

Motor data selection

1st motor

2nd motor

3rd motor









Standard motor parameters

H020 to H024

H220 to H224





Auto-tuning parameters

H030 to H034





Adaptive tuning parameters

H030 to H034