Comparing State Traces

The State Compare feature allows you to compare two state listings. You can check if your system is executing correct states by acquiring a state listing from the system under test and comparing it to a listing that is known to be good. If there are differences between the two listings, you can use the Difference Listing feature to see where the differences occur.

In these exercises, you will run a test and store the state listing as the reference listing. Next, you will change the jumper settings and run a different test using the same trigger specification. You will then use the Difference Listing to see the differences between the two listings.

These exercises will step you through the process of using the Compare mode of the state analyzer. They are designed to use many of the same exercises as the State Analyzer Exercises in the previous chapter; therefore, the beginning exercises do not include figures or explanations. If you need this additional information on any of these common exercises, refer back to the same exercise in chapter 3, "Introduction to State Analysis."

In this chapter, you will:

Put the analyzer into state mode

Set up the state clock

Change a label name and modify channel assignments

Define a term for the state trigger

Set up the state trigger specification

Run the analyzer and view the state listing

Copy the state listing to the compare reference listing

Change the jumper to acquire a different state listing

Run the analyzer and find the errors
