Advanced State Triggering

Set Up Level 3 of the State Trigger Specification

Set Up Level 3 of the State Trigger Specification

The third term you want to find and store is term "b" with the value 022. Because you only want to store this value, you set the "While Storing" field to "no state".

1Highlight the 3 field in the State Sequence Levels box of the Trigger menu. Press the Select key.

2Highlight the field to the right of While storing, and press the Select key. Highlight no state from the pop-up menu, and press the Select key.

3Highlight the field to the right of Then find, and press the Select key. Highlight b from the pop-up menu, and press the Done key.

4Press the Done key to close the Sequence Level 3 pop-up menu.

No data will be stored while the analyzer is looking for term "b".

The analyzer looks for and stores term "b" with the value 022.


Setting Up Level 3 of the State Trigger Specification


Sequence Level 3 is set to find and store only term "b" the first time it occurs.
