Advanced State Triggering

Set Up Level 4 of the State Trigger Specification and Define a Combination Trigger Term

Set Up Level 4 of the State Trigger Specification and

Define a Combination Trigger Term

In Sequence Level 4 you will store a combination of values while looking for the trigger term "e". A combination term, is a logical combination of other terms, using boolean logic operators like AND and OR. In this exercise, you will define the combination of terms "c" or "In_Range1" or "d". These three terms are ORed together so that one, two, or all three of the terms could be stored.

1Turn the knob clockwise to display sequence levels 3, 4, and 5.

2Highlight the 4 field in the State Sequence Levels box of the Trigger menu. Press the Select key.

3Highlight the field to the right of While storing, and press the Select key. Highlight Combination in the pop-up menu, and press the Select key.

4In the combination pop-up menu, highlight c, and press the Select key. Highlight ON in the pop-up menu, and press the Select key.

5Highlight In_Range1, and press the Select key. Highlight In in the pop-up menu, and press the Select key.

6Highlight d and press the Select key. Highlight ON in the pop-up menu, and press the Select key.

Note the "Current Qualifier" display in the top right corner of the screen. Your qualifier is now "c + in_range1 + d."

The "c" term is now turned on. See the

connection from "c" to one of the Or fields.

When you select

"in_range1", the logic analyzer looks for values that are within the limits for the term Range1.

The "d" term is now turned on.

Defining a Combination Trigger Term
