Comparing State Traces

Copy the State Listing to the Compare Reference Listing

Copy the State Listing to the Compare Reference


In this exercise, you will copy the state listing you acquired in the previous exercise to the reference listing so you can compare it with other listings. This feature can be used in a test environment to check that your system is executing correctly. You can acquire a state listing from the system under test and compare it to a listing that is known to be good. Any differences between the two listings can be seen using the Difference Listing feature.

1Press the List MENU key, then choose Compare from the pop-up menu.

2Highlight the Copy Listing to Reference field, and press the Select key.

3Highlight Execute in the pop-up menu, and press the Select key.

Compare allows you to compare two state acquisitions to find differences.

Selecting this field and choosing Execute copies the listing.

Copying the State Listing to the Compare Reference Listing


The state listing acquired in the previous exercise is now copied to the


reference listing.
