Introduction to State Analysis

Create Symbols to Display State Data

Create Symbols to Display State Data

Symbols are used to display state data in easily understandable terms, which you define. This can make the state listing much easier to interpret. In the following exercises, you will define and display some symbols.

1Press the Format MENU key.

2Highlight the Symbols field, and press the Select key.

3Highlight the New Symbol field below Symbol. Type "ONE" using the keypad. Press the Done key when you are finished typing.

4Highlight the field below Pattern/Start. Enter 01 using the keypad. Press the Done key when you are finished typing.

The Symbols field.

The symbol ONE will appear in the state listing when the state analyzer records the hex value 01.


Creating Symbols to Display State Data


In the state listing, the analyzer will display ONE in place of the hex number


01 when the base field is set to Symbol.
