Advanced State Triggering

Add State Trigger Sequence Levels

Add State Trigger Sequence Levels

You tell the analyzer what data to capture by setting the sequence specification. In this exercise, your sequence specification will have five sequence levels.

1Highlight the 1 field in the State Sequence Levels box of the Trigger menu. Press the Select key.

2Highlight the Insert Level field, and press the Select key. Highlight Before in the pop-up menu, and press the Select key.

3In the Trigger Macro Library, use the knob to highlight "1. User level - custom combinations, loops," then press the Done key.

Custom triggering is set up by selecting the user level. In the Trigger Macro library, trigger macros are also available for common trigger applications.

4Repeat step 2 and 3 two more times. After inserting these two levels, press the Done key to close the Sequence Level 1 pop-up menu.

Selecting "Before" inserts a new sequence level before the sequence level 1.


Adding State Trigger Sequence Levels


You now have Sequence Levels 1 through 5. You can scroll through the


sequence levels by highlighting "State Sequence Levels" centered above


sequence level 1 and turning the knob.
