2.If you plan to remove the management software for Oracle from a computer running Windows, go to the \DBIQ\oracle\win directory on the
3.If you plan to remove the management software for Oracle from a computer running OpenVMS do the following:
a.Mount the CIM Extensions
where DQB0 is the
b.Go to the directory containing the Oracle agent creation script using the following command:
4.Verify you have the password to the SYS user account.
You are prompted for the password for this user account when you run the script.
5.Run UninstallOracleAct.bat (on Windows) or UninstallOracleAct.sh or
6.This script removes the management software for the specified Oracle instance.
NOTE: You can use a remote Oracle client to run this script.
7.When you are asked for the Oracle instance name, enter the name of the Oracle instance you do not want the management server to monitor. The name must be visible to the client.
8.Provide the password for the SYS user account.
The APPIQ_USER account for the specified Oracle instance is removed. The management server can no longer monitor that Oracle instance.
Step B — Provide the TNS Listener Port
If your Oracle instances use a different TNS Listener Port than 1521, change the port as described in the following steps:
1.Select Options > Protocol Settings > Storage Essentials > Global Application Discovery Settings. The TNS Listener Port setting applies to all Oracle instances you monitor.
2.To assign a new port, click the Create button for the Oracle Information table.
3.Enter the new port number and click OK.
4.If necessary, click the button to remove the old port number.
HP Storage Essentials SRM 6.0 User Guide 93