Column Name | Type | Description |
StoragePoolDescription | VARCHAR2(1024) | Description of the storage pool |
Status | NUMBER(38) | Operational status (provide map) |
StorageSystemID | NUMBER(38) | ID of storage system to which pool |
| belongs |
PoolSettingID | NUMBER(38) | Storage capabilities ID |
ParentPoolID | NUMBER(38) | Parent pool ID, reference to Storage |
| Pool ID |
TotalAvailableSpace | NUMBER(38) | Total available space in bytes |
CIMPoolID | VARCHAR2(254) | Reserved |
PoolType | NUMBER(38) | Pool Type (provide map here) |
StorageCapabilityInternalName | VARCHAR2(254) | Internal Name of the capability |
NoSinglePTOfFailure | NUMBER(1) | No single point of failure indication |
DefaultNoSinglePtOfFailure | NUMBER(1) | Default no single point of failure |
| indication |
MinDataRedundancy | NUMBER(18) | Minimum data redundancy indication |
MaxDataRedundancy | NUMBER(18) | Maximum data redundancy indication |
DefaultDataRedundancy | NUMBER(18) | Default data redundancy indication |
MinSpindleRedundancy | NUMBER(18) |
MaxSpindleRedundancy | NUMBER(18) |
DefaultSpindleRedundancy | NUMBER(18) |
MinDeltaReservation | NUMBER(18) |
MaxDeltaReservation | NUMBER(18) |
DefaultDeltaReservation | NUMBER(18) |
StorageCapabilityCommonName | VARCHAR2(256) | Name of the pool capability |
StorageCapabilityDescription | VARCHAR2(1024) | Description of the pool capability |
HP Storage Essentials SRM 6.0 User Guide 469