Discovery — This menu provides the tools for the management server to discover and obtain information from elements in your network. See Discovering Switches, Storage Systems, NAS Devices, and Tape Libraries” on page 19 and Discovering Applications, Backup Hosts and Hosts” on page 83.

Help — This menu provides access to the online help and the copyright information.

The links in the upper-left corner let you modify your profile and sign out of the management server.

The status light indicates the status of the management server. It is usually green under normal conditions, as shown in the following figure:

Figure 4 Status Light

Table 3 on page 9 shows the possible displays for the status light.

Table 3 Status Light Settings


Status Light



Backup Topology Details

Include infrastructure details

NOTE: When the status light is orange or red, you may want to click the text to the left of the light to access discovery logs quickly (Tasks & Logs > View Storage Essentials Log).

The Left Pane

The buttons used to access the management server's main utilities are displayed in the left pane. The left pane is accessible when you access Storage Essentials Home page (Tools > Storage Essentials > Home):

HP Storage Essentials SRM 6.0 User Guide