Only the admin user will be able to log into the management server, no other user will be able to log in to the system. To enable other users to log in, the admin user would need to re-enter the passwords for all other users.

The passwords for all discovered elements in the database — hosts, switches, and storage systems would become invalid and discovery would fail for all elements.

IMPORTANT: The Include Management DB option, which is for support purposes only, provides data on the health of the product so you can determine if there is an issue with the management server itself. Do not use this feature on production systems. Selecting this option affects product health reporting.

Use Export Database to generate a valid database backup for use on your management server. See Exporting the Database, page 236.

Troubleshooting Listener and Database Connection Problems

If there is a problem connecting to the Oracle database from the management server or you see a JBoss connection problem in appstorm.<timestamp>.log, first verify that the listener and database are running:

Checking Listener Status:

If you are not able to start the listener contact technical support with the error message and network files (tnsnames.ora,listener.ora) from the following directory:

Microsoft Windows:


UNIX systems:


To verify if the listener and database are running:


From the command line, enter: lsnrctl status

This shows you the status of listener. If the listener is not running, enter: lsnrctl start

From the Database Admin Utility. See Checking the Database and Listener Status” on page 234.

On UNIX systems:

From the command line, first login as an Oracle user by entering su – oracle. Then, enter:

lsnrctl status

This shows you the status of listener. If the listener is not running, enter: lsnrctl start

246 Database Maintenance and Management