<SearchBase>CN=$NAME$,OU=NetworkAdministration, dc=MyCompanyName,ou=US,dc=COM</SearchBase>
The management server searches only those users in the company who are part of the NetworkAdministration organization (OU=NetworkAdministration) and in the United States (ou=US).
IMPORTANT: Different LDAP implementations may be using different keynames for CN. The appropriate keyname should be named in
uid=$NAME$,ou=<Optional org unit if applicable>, dc=windows,dc=hp,dc=com
9.Save the
The following is an example of a modified
<?xml version="1.0"
<PrimaryServer port="389">IP address of Primary Domain Controller</PrimaryServer>
<SecondaryServer>IP Address of Secondary Domain Controller</SecondaryServer> <ssl>false</ssl>
between ActiveDirectory and the
<SearchBase>DC=domain extension1,DC=domain extension2,DC=COM</SearchBase> <FullNameAttribute>displayName</FullNameAttribute> <EmailAttribute>mail</EmailAttribute>
<Server port="389">IP address or DNS name of LDAP server</Server>
HP Storage Essentials SRM 6.0 User Guide 163