HBA (Driver Version)


Unable to discover Emulex host bus adapters

The Emulex driver does not contain the required library that is required by HP Storage Essentials. You must install Emulex HBAnywhere software so that HP Storage Essentials can discover hosts configured with HBAnywhere and hbatest can detect the Emulex host bus adapter.

CIMOM Service Not Starting After Trying to Discover Sybase or SQL Server Applications

If your management server is running on Linux, you will not be able to discover Sybase or SQL Server applications. If you already added a Sybase or SQL Server entry to be managed in the Discovery setup page and performed a Get All Element Details operation, entries for the Sybase or SQL server will be added to the oracle listener configuration file. On the next system reboot, or on the next restart of the Oracle service, the Oracle listener will error out, and the CIMOM service will not start.

To correct the issue:

1.Edit ORA_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora and remove the SID_DESC text blocks containing the PROGRAM=hsodbc string.

where ORA_HOME is the Oracle home

For example: . /opt/oracle/product/

If you have a SID_DESC block similar to the text block below, remove this entire block.



(ORACLE_HOME = /opt/oracle/product/

(PROGRAM = hsodbc)

2.Restart Oracle with the following command:

/etc/init.d/dbora restart

3.Restart the appstormanager service.

4.After the service has started, delete any Sybase or SQL entries from the Application tab in the discovery setup page. This is necessary to prevent them from being re-added to the listener.ora on further discoveries.

Configuring E-mail Notification for Discovery Data Collection

The management server lets you send status reports about Discovery Data Collection to users. The status reports that are sent to users can also be found in the GAEDSummary.log file in the [Install_DIR]\logs directory on the management server.

To configure the management server to send status reports on Discovery Data Collection to your e-mail account:

1.Enable e-mail notification for the management server. See the User Guide for more information.

2.Add or edit the e-mail address for the Admin account.

HP Storage Essentials SRM 6.0 User Guide 703