To enable SNMP:

a.Uncomment the cimom.useSnmpMcDataProvider property by removing the pound sign

(#)in front of it.

b.Change the cimom.mcdata.dontUseSmis property as follows:


NOTE: The cimom.mcdata.dontUseSmis property exists only in upgrade installations. If the property does not exist on your system, enter it manually.

To enable SWAPI:

a.Comment out the cimom.useSnmpMcDataProvider property by placing a pound sign

(#)in front of it.

b.Change the cimom.mcdata.dontUseSmis property as follows:


NOTE: The cimom.mcdata.dontUseSmis property exists only in upgrade installations. If the property does not exist on your system, enter it manually.

To enable SMI-S:

a.Comment out the cimom.useSnmpMcDataProvider property by placing a pound sign

(#)in front of it.

b.Change the cimom.mcdata.dontUseSmis property as follows: cimom.mcdata.dontUseSmis=false.

1.Click Save.

2.Discover the switch. For instructions, see Discovering Elements” on page 27.

NOTE: If you change the discovery settings, when you discover the switch with the new method, make sure you enter the correct credentials. For example, if you change from SNMP to SMI-S, the required credentials are different. See the section for the specific discovery method for information on the credentials to enter.

Excluding McDATA and EMC Connectrix Switches from Discovery

Specific McDATA and Connectrix switches can be excluded from discovery by using system properties.

To exclude one or more switches from discovery, modify the cimom.mcdata.exclude property. Set the property cimom.mcdata.exclude to a comma-separated list of Worldwide Names (WWN) of the McDATA and Connectrix switches you want excluded, as shown in the following example:


44 Discovering Switches, Storage Systems, NAS Devices, and Tape Libraries