b.In the
c.Click Add.
d.The selected elements are added to the Organization Members pane. To add storage volumes to the organization, see ”Adding Storage Volumes to an Organization” on page 152.
8.To add organizations:
a.Click the Organizations node.
b.In the
c.Click Add. The selected organizations are added to the Organization Members pane. The organizations in the Organization Members pane are listed as child organizations because they are now contained within the organization you are creating. See ”About Security for the Management Server” on page 137 for more information.
9.Click OK when you are done adding the elements and organizations.
Adding Storage Volumes to an Organization
Only users belonging to the Domain Administrator role can add storage volumes to an organization.
To add storage volumes to an organization:
1.Click Add or Remove Members.
2.Expand the Element Types node in the tree and select the Storage Systems node.
3.In the
4.If you want to filter the list of volumes for a storage system, click the Show Volume Filter link, select the appropriate filter criteria, and click Submit Query.
5.Select the storage volumes you want to add to the organization. Click the +Ports link in the Ports column to see a list of the ports associated with a particular volume.
6.When you are finished selecting volumes, click the Add button located at the top of the pane.
7.Click OK. The selected volumes are added to the Organization Members pane.
Viewing Organizations
The Setup Organizations page lists the organizations with their descriptions. The page also shows the number of
Only users belonging to the Domain Administrator role can view organizations.
The No. of Top Level Elements column provides the total number of elements assigned directly to an organization. This number does not include those within the child organization. A zero (0) in the Elements column indicates that the organization contains only child organizations; however, users assigned to that organization would have access to the elements assigned to its child organizations.
Access the Setup Organizations page by clicking Security > Organizations in Storage Essentials.
152 Managing Security