Chargeback Reports

This section contains the following topics:

Viewing Chargeback Reports, page 665

E-mailing a Chargeback Report, page 665

Managing E-mail Schedules for Chargeback Reports, page 666

Viewing Chargeback Reports

You can access chargeback reports in either of two ways:

From Chargeback Manager

From Reporter

Keep in mind the following:

To populate chargeback reports, enter information for chargeback, as described in the topic, Setting Up Chargeback Manager” on page 638.

If you want to view the latest information in a report, select Reports > Storage Essentials > Report Configuration in HP Systems Insight Manager, and then click the Refresh Now button on the Report Cache tab. See Refreshing the Report Cache” on page 208 for more information.

To view chargeback reports:

1.Do one of the following:

To access the reports through Chargeback Manager, click the Reports tab in Chargeback Manager and expand the Chargeback Reports node in the tree in the middle pane.

To access the reports through Reporter, click the Reporter button in HP SE (Tools > Storage Essentials > Home), and then expand the Reporter > Chargeback nodes in the tree in the middle pane.

2.Click one of the default reports:

Array-Based Chargeback - Displays the following asset information from storage arrays: host name, department, HBA port, HBA port WWN, storage volume, volume size, and cost.

Asset Based - Displays the following asset-based chargeback information for each department owning elements: department, asset name, ownership ratio, and chargeback amount. Total asset-based cost per month is also displayed.

Storage Based - Displays the following storage-based chargeback information for each department owning applications: department, application, ownership ratio, total capacity, and capacity amount. Total storage-based cost per month is also displayed.

Storage System Based by Tier - Displays storage-based chargeback by tier.

The report is displayed as a Web page in the right pane. See the topic, Chargeback Reports” on page 664 for more information about each of the reports.

3.Select one of the following options for a different output:




HP Storage Essentials SRM 6.0 User Guide 665