return identical capacity data). However, the management server does not explicitly identify and construct the Oracle RAC application cluster. Also, when the underlying host cluster is not discovered, other instances of the Oracle RAC cannot be discovered automatically as described in the Discovery of Oracle RAC Instances Using One Instance section.

However, if you create the host cluster at a later point in time, subsequent discovery of any instance in Oracle RAC will identify and construct the Oracle RAC application cluster. The management server will shift to “Oracle RAC aware” mode on top of the host cluster that you created.

Discovery Single Instance Oracle Failover Clusters

The conditions to be satisfied for discovering the single instance Oracle failover clustera are as follows:

All the hosts in the cluster configured to handle single instance Oracle failover should be discovered in the management server.

The management server is able to contact the hosts running single instance Oracle failover instance using the short host name. The management server can be configured to access the hosts running single instance Oracle failover instance using the short name in the following ways:

On the management server, add entries for each host configured for single instance Oracle failover instance in /etc/hosts (on UNIX platforms) or

%WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts (on Windows).

Add the domain of the host in the domain search list of the management server under the search option of /etc/resolv.conf (on UNIX platforms) or Append these DNS suffixes (in order) on the Advanced TCP/IP Settings > DNS tab (on Windows).

To discover single instance Oracle failover application:

1.Install the CIM extension on each node in the cluster.

2.Create the APPIQ_USER account for the oracle application from that node in the cluster in which is currently running. See Step A — Create the APPIQ_USER Account for Oracle” on page 90.

3.Click Discovery > Setup, and discover the host for the first node by clicking the Add Address button and providing the appropriate information for discovering the host, as described in Adding an IP Range for Scanning” on page 30.

4.Discover the first Oracle node as follows:

a.Select Discovery > Setup, and click the Applications tab.

b.Click the Create button for the Database Information table.

c.In the Host IP/DNS Name box, enter the IP address of any one of the hosts in the cluster configured to handle the single instance Oracle failover in the application setup information. Make sure that the host with this IP address will be discovered in the management server.

d.Enter the management IP for the single instance fail over Oracle application.

e.In the Server Name box, enter the Oracle System Identifier (SID) of the Oracle database you want to monitor.

f.In the Port Number box, enter the monitored port.

If you are not sure of the monitored port, check the listener.ora file of the monitored database application. You can find the listener.ora file in the following directory on the host

HP Storage Essentials SRM 6.0 User Guide 99