Table 2 Chapters That Apply to Standard Edition

Discovering Switches, Storage Systems, NAS

Yes. Some of the devices described are not

Devices, and Tape Libraries” on page 19

included with Standard Edition.



Discovering Applications, Backup Hosts and

Yes. Some of the devices described are not

Hosts, page 83

included with Standard Edition.



Managing Security, page 137




Managing Licenses, page 167

Yes. Some of the features and devices described


are not included with Standard Edition.



Configuring the Management Server, page 177

Yes. Some of the features described are not


included with Standard Edition.



Database Maintenance and Management,


page 225




Viewing Element Topology and Properties,

Yes. Some of the features described are not

page 249

included with Standard Edition.



Event Management, page 329

Yes. Some of the devices described are not


included with Standard Edition.



Finding an Element’s Storage Capacity,

Yes. Some of the devices described are not

page 355

included with Standard Edition.



Managing Policies, page 371

Yes. Some of the features described are not


included with Standard Edition.



Viewing Performance Data, page 387




Running Reports, page 417

Yes (except for global reports and custom





Provisioning Manager, page 517




Managing Backups, page 571

Available for purchase separately.



Path Provisioning, page 595




Chargeback Manager, page 637




Business Tools, page 675




Troubleshooting, page 685

Yes. Some of the features and devices described


are not included with Standard Edition.



Suggested Topics for First-Time Users

As a first-time user, you should first become familiar with discovery and Discovery Data Collection in the management server. You must configure the management server to discover the devices on the

HP Storage Essentials SRM 6.0 User Guide