Creating a Storage Volume, page 547

Deleting a Storage Volume, page 550

Changing the Cache Block Size for a Storage System (LSI and Sun 6130), page 551

Modifying the Cache Settings (LSI and Sun 6130 Only), page 551

Accessing Information About Volumes

IMPORTANT: Some storage vendors require a password to access the storage system. If the correct password is not entered, an authentication error message is displayed. Refer to Discovery Data Collection to determine which user account was used to access the storage system during discovery.

If you use another product to make provisioning changes, you must perform Discovery Data Collection for the management server to be made aware of these changes.

To access information about volumes:

1.Click Tools > Storage Essentials > Provisioning Manager in HP Systems Insight Manager.

2.In the right pane, click the Storage Systems tab.

3.Click the Provision button for the storage system you want to provision.

4.Click Step 2 Volume.

All volumes are displayed.

To filter the volumes displayed, see Filtering Volumes” on page 546. The following columns list information about the volumes:

Volume - Click the name of the volume to view its properties.

Size - Displays the size of the volume in megabytes (MB).

Ports - Click a ports link to view its properties.

Pool - Click the name of the pool to view its properties.

Mainframe - Displays whether the storage pools have volumes that are on a mainframe. (This option is available to only HDS storage systems).

*Default Owner - The controller which owns the storage system when it is rebooted.

*Current Owner - The controller which currently owns the volume.

*Segment Size - Displays the amount of space assigned to a volume in megabytes (MB).

*Read ahead - Displays the cache read ahead multiplier.

*Edit - Click the Edit () button for the volume you want to edit. For more information, see Modifying the Cache Settings (LSI and Sun 6130)” on page 541.

Delete - Click the Delete () button for the volume you want to delete. For more information, see Deleting a Storage Volume” on page 550.

*Not accessible to all storage systems.

HP Storage Essentials SRM 6.0 User Guide 545