6.Replace directory2.hp.com with the IP address or the fully qualified DNS name of your secondary Domain Controller server, if available.


where is the IP address of the secondary Domain Controller server running AD.

7.If you want the password to be saved in the management server database, change the value of the <ShadowPassword> tags to true, as shown in the following example:


Saving the passwords in the management server database allows a user to also log into the management server if the management server is changed back to local mode. This, however, is not recommended as it defeats the purpose of externalizing a user's credentials.

The login-handler.xmlfile contains two sets of <ShadowPassword> tags: one for AD and one for LDAP. Make sure you change the value of the <ShadowPassword> tags that are children of the <ActiveDirectory> tag.

8.If you want the user name to be case sensitive, change the value of the <CaseSensitiveUserName> tag to true, as shown in the following example:


If you change the value of <CaseSensitiveUserName> to true, the management server becomes case-sensitive to user names. The management server sees MyUserName and myusername as different users.

IMPORTANT: AD servers are not case sensitive for user names, so changing this tag to true for AD authentication is not recommended.

The login-handler.xml file contains two sets of <CaseSensitiveUserName> tags: one for AD and one for LDAP. Make sure you also change the value of the

<CaseSensitiveUserName> tags that are children of the <ActiveDirectory> tag.

9.Provide the AD search base in which you want the management server to look up AD/LDAP user attributes. Allow no spaces between commas and put in all components of fully qualified domain name, for example, hds.usa.com would be DC=hds,DC=usa,DC=com.

The search base is used to specify the starting point for the search. It points to a distinguished name of an entry in the directory hierarchy.

<SearchBase> dc=MyCompanyName,dc=COM</SearchBase>

10.Save the login-handler.xmlfile with your changes.

The following is an example of a modified login-handler.xmlfile for use with AD server authentication. Underlined text is information that was modified:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <LoginHandler> <AdminAccountName>domain\primaryuser</AdminAccountName> <!-- for the default, using database for authentication -->

<!--LoginHandlerClass>com.appiq.security.server.BasicLoginHandler</LoginHan dlerClass-->


<!-- uncomment the following to enable Active Directory login--> <LoginHandlerClass>com.appiq.security.server.ActiveDirectoryLoginHandler</L oginHandlerClass> <LoginHandlerType>ActiveDirectory</LoginHandlerType>

HP Storage Essentials SRM 6.0 User Guide 159