16 Managing Backups

Depending on your license, the Backup Manager feature may not be available. See the List of Features to determine if you have access to Backup Manager. The List of Features is accessible from the Documentation Center (Help > Documentation Center in Storage Essentials). This feature is not included with HP Storage Essentials Standard Edition, but it may be purchased as an optional feature.

This chapter contains the following topics:

About Backup Manager, page 571

Viewing Sessions that are Running, page 574

Determining if the Last Scheduled Backup was Successful, page 575

About the User Interface, page 578

About the Summary Backup Charts, page 587

About the Tabs in the Topology Lower Pane, page 588

Modifying Summary Backup Charts, page 592

Viewing Charts for a Backup Manager Host, page 593

Printing Summary Charts, page 593

About Backup Manager

The Backup Manager feature allows you to:

Monitor the overall status of the backup process

Visualize the backup configuration and recoverability of a file, directory, volume, or server

View the status of the physical infrastructure supporting the backup process, backup application, backup server, network, tape library, and media

Provide information on reasons for backup failures and advisory information for configuring new backup schedules

Backup Manager monitors the backup applications running on discovered hosts. To determine which backup applications are supported, see the support matrix for your edition, which is accessible from the Documentation Center.

The management server is able to detect the presence of the following after you obtain backup details:

Backup Application — A backup application, such as NetBackup or HP Data Protector, serving as the master in a backup hierarchy. A backup application is responsible for managing other media managers.

Backup Manager Host — A managed host that is running the backup application. The IP address of the backup manager host must be specified in Step 1 of discovery before the backup application can be discovered.

HP Storage Essentials SRM 6.0 User Guide 571