For DS devices enter cmd addessserver <ipaddress> <username> <password> where ipaddress is the IP address of the management console server of the DS device and username and password are the management console credentials.

6.Restarting the IBM CIM agent service.

7.Verifying that the CIM agent is able to communicate with the storage devices. Enter the following command to verify communication:

verifyconfig -u username -p password where username and password are the credentials to access the CIM agent, and they were created by running the setuser command.

You must run this command from the IBM/cimagent directory, for example on Windows you would run the command from the C:\Program Files\IBM\cimagent directory.

For IBM CIM agent 5.2.1, run the dscimcli lsdev -lcommand instead. Run this command from the IBM/dsagent/bin directory, for example on Windows, you would run the command from the C:\Program Files\IBM\dsagent\bin directory.

For DS devices, enter cmd addessserver <ipaddress> <username> <password> where ipaddress is the IP address of the management console server of the DS device and username and password are the management console credentials.

Discovery Information for IBM Storage Systems/SVCs

To discover an IBM storage system or an IBM SAN Volume Controller (SVC), enter the following information in HP SIM:

IP address or system name for the system running the IBM CIM agent for the IBM Storage System or for the SVC you want to discover.

Port number for the IBM CIM agent. If a non-default port is used, you must specify the port. Refer to the documentation for your version of the IBM CIM agent to determine the default port.

User name of the IBM CIM agent user.

Versions 5.2.1 of the IBM Storage CIM agent - The user name was set when the CIM agent was installed. For additional information about creating a user, refer to the DS Open Application Programming Interface Reference Guide.

Versions earlier than CIM agent 5.2.1 - The IBM Storage CIM agent user name and password are defined with the setuser command.

Password of the IBM CIM agent user.

Discovering Sun StorEdge Storage Systems

You can discover the following Sun StorEdge systems. For more details, see the support matrix.

Discovering Sun StorEdge 3510 Storage Systems, page 62

Discovering Sun StorEdge 6920 and 6940 Storage Systems, page 62

Discovering Sun StorEdge 6130 Storage Systems, page 62

HP Storage Essentials SRM 6.0 User Guide 61