Known Driver Issues, page 722

Known Device Issues, page 722

“mailbox command 17 failure status FFF7” Message, page 725

”Process Has an Exclusive Lock” Message, page 725

About Swapping Host Bus Adapters

Swapping brands of host bus adapters (HBA) on a Microsoft Windows 2000 host may have undesirable side effects. For example, after swapping out one brand of an HBA for another (including driver installation), WinMgmt.exe might crash repeatedly and appear to be associated with an error in the Windows Event Log about being unable to retrieve data from the PerfLib subkey in the Registry. To solve this problem, reinstall the operating system.

“Fork Function Failed” Message on AIX Hosts

If a CIM extension running on AIX detects low physical or virtual memory while starting, a “Fork Function Failed” message appears. A CIM extension on AIX uses additional memory and CPU resources at start time. If the resources on the AIX machine are already low, you may see the “Fork Function Failed” message. Depending on the AIX operating system or hardware, the host may crash after you see this message.

Known Driver Issues

If you are having problems with a driver, keep in mind the following:

The software requires the driver to have a compliant SNIA HBA API. Emulex driver version 4.21e does not support the SNIA HBA API.

If the driver has a compliant SNIA HBA API, make sure the driver is installed correctly.

Known Device Issues

The Table 162 on page 722 provides a description of the known device issues. You can find the latest information about device issues in the release notes.

722 Troubleshooting